The Re-Read, Re-Write, Re-Word, Re-Apply Bible Reading Method

How often do you read your Bible? If the answer is anything less than daily, you have some work to do.   I know it can be hard to find the time.  I know some parts of the Bible aren’t exactly a page-turner.  But we need to immerse ourselves in Scripture daily.   Brothers, everything we needContinue reading “The Re-Read, Re-Write, Re-Word, Re-Apply Bible Reading Method”

Dear Younger Me

If you could write a letter to a younger version of yourself, What would you say? Would you give yourself sage advice?  Or maybe a warning? Would you encourage yourself to make changes that you wish you had made earlier? I was pondering this the other day.  I was thinking about what my life wouldContinue reading “Dear Younger Me”

Your Soul On Paper

Keeping a journal or diary was part of almost every man’s life for centuries. Many of the historical accounts we have of major events are taken from journals and diaries of the individuals involved.  Their journals give us a glimpse into their mind and allow us to travel back in time.  We’ve gotten away fromContinue reading “Your Soul On Paper”

Who Is Your Best Friend?

I’ve been talking about friendship quite often recently. It’s an important aspect of men’s lives that very often gets overlooked. Men have buddies, but it’s becoming rare to have close, intimate friendships. One comment that has come up repeatedly in my discussions with men regarding friendship is the statement, “my wife is my best friend.”Continue reading “Who Is Your Best Friend?”

The Importance of Fitness

Fitness is a foundation of masculinity because it IS masculinity.  Masculinity is strength, power, and control. In order to live up to the masculine standards in other areas of our lives, we must be fit physically.   How can we properly protect and provide for our families if we’re physically unable to? There are three specificContinue reading “The Importance of Fitness”

Fraternity: The Lost Brotherhood

One of the lists that has been lost among men in today’s society is the importance of fraternity. Having close male friends is not considered nearly as important as faith, family, and fitness.  The effect this has had on modern masculinity has been disastrous. Men simply don’t have close, intimate friends anymore.  Sure, they haveContinue reading “Fraternity: The Lost Brotherhood”

Why A Man Needs A Family

After a man’s faith, his family is the next most important thing in his life.  They are who he loves, why he does what he does, and will give him more happiness than anything else he can possibly do in his life. A man needs a family.  True masculinity requires a family.  All of theContinue reading “Why A Man Needs A Family”