Follow The Leader: What Men Need To Be Effective Leaders

Do you want to be a leader? Most men do.  It’s wired into us.   Man was born to be a leader.  We are designed to lead our families.  We are expected to lead our churches.  In almost every aspect of life, it is the duty of men to lead. From the beginning of creation, manContinue reading “Follow The Leader: What Men Need To Be Effective Leaders”

Am I Unforgivable?

When you struggle with an addiction to porn and sex, you are often your own worst enemy. You feel shameful for your actions.  You’re filled with regret.  Then your negative feelings eventually drive you back to the porn that caused them in the first place.   Around and around you go. It may feel like you’reContinue reading “Am I Unforgivable?”

Shhh!!! Don’t Talk About That!

People do a lot of talking these days. They talk about politics, religion, sports, the weather, what they’re binge-watching.   People are more than happy to gab your ear off about their opinions and how they think things should be.  They’ll tell you all about their lives but never once ask you about yours.  TheyContinue reading “Shhh!!! Don’t Talk About That!”