The DOs and DON’Ts of Battling Porn Addiction

In overcoming my own 15+ year battle with porn and addiction, and in helping dozens of other men finally quit porn, I’ve learned quite a bit about what works and what doesn’t work when you’re trying to quit porn. Here’s some DO’s and DON’Ts for quitting porn.  DO:  Establish Routine Routine is crucial to quittingContinue reading “The DOs and DON’Ts of Battling Porn Addiction”

How To Break The Relapse Cycle

Tell me if this sounds familiar… You realize that porn is a problem in your life and you decide to quit.  You are motivated and determined to stop this.  This is finally the time that you’re going to quit for good.   It starts ok.  You get a few days in.  Things are going great.  YouContinue reading “How To Break The Relapse Cycle”

Follow The Leader: What Men Need To Be Effective Leaders

Do you want to be a leader? Most men do.  It’s wired into us.   Man was born to be a leader.  We are designed to lead our families.  We are expected to lead our churches.  In almost every aspect of life, it is the duty of men to lead. From the beginning of creation, manContinue reading “Follow The Leader: What Men Need To Be Effective Leaders”

Am I Unforgivable?

When you struggle with an addiction to porn and sex, you are often your own worst enemy. You feel shameful for your actions.  You’re filled with regret.  Then your negative feelings eventually drive you back to the porn that caused them in the first place.   Around and around you go. It may feel like you’reContinue reading “Am I Unforgivable?”

Stop Believing These 10 Lies About Porn

Lies and deception are everywhere in today’s world.   We believe many lies about health, politics, religion, love, and more.  Lies are spread to advance an agenda.  Lies are told to keep the truth from being known.  Lies are spread to justify bad behavior. I can think of few places where more lies are spread thanContinue reading “Stop Believing These 10 Lies About Porn”

What Are You REALLY Addicted To?

We use the term “Addiction” a lot these days.  In fact, we probably over-use the term.   In many ways, we’ve degraded the seriousness of addiction by using it to describe things that aren’t really an addiction.  “I’m addicted to chocolate.” I’m addicted to this TV show.”  There’s even the classic, yet cringy, song “Addicted ToContinue reading “What Are You REALLY Addicted To?”

Do You Have Perseverance?

Do you have perseverance? Do you have what it takes to keep going no matter how hard, how far, or how painful? The sad news is that many men today are mentally weak.  Far too often, men give up at the first sign of difficulty.  Instead of fighting through the hardship, they surrender and admitContinue reading “Do You Have Perseverance?”

Cleaning Up My Own Mess

Throughout my addiction, I always tried to deflect blame for my actions.  I would blame my acting out on stress and anxiety.  I would blame my wife for the slightest errors and use them as justification for my actions.  I would blame God for making me this way.  I would blame society for being soContinue reading “Cleaning Up My Own Mess”

How To Restore Trust After Porn Addiction

One of the most damaging effects of porn addiction is the destruction of trust it causes in relationships. While I do not believe that Porn Addiction itself rises to the level of Adultery or Cheating, it does break the trust established and leads to feelings of betrayal.   Wives are often left feeling broken, hurt,Continue reading “How To Restore Trust After Porn Addiction”

Progress Over Perfection

There’s one phrase that I repeat over and over again to the men that I coach.   “Two steps forward, one step back, is still moving forward.” The point is that just because you might be falling short sometimes, doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.   If you’re fighting, if you’re working hard, if you’re determined,Continue reading “Progress Over Perfection”