Want To Start A Family…Do These 5 Things NOW

After almost 15 years, I have an amazing marriage, but it wasn’t always that way.  There are so many things I could have done to make my marriage great from the start.  I want you to learn from my mistakes.  Here are FIVE things every single guy should do BEFORE Marriage.. 1. FIND YOUR MISSION: Continue reading “Want To Start A Family…Do These 5 Things NOW”

The DOs and DON’Ts of Battling Porn Addiction

In overcoming my own 15+ year battle with porn and addiction, and in helping dozens of other men finally quit porn, I’ve learned quite a bit about what works and what doesn’t work when you’re trying to quit porn. Here’s some DO’s and DON’Ts for quitting porn.  DO:  Establish Routine Routine is crucial to quittingContinue reading “The DOs and DON’Ts of Battling Porn Addiction”

Stop Touching Yourself!

Alright guys.  It’s time for a tough talk.   The real problem with Porn Addiction isn’t Porn. It’s Masturbation. STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF! When you’re addicted to Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm (PMO), what you’re really addicted to is dopamine. There is nothing inherently addictive about porn itself.  It’s not a drug.  it’s not a chemical.  It has no addictive qualitiesContinue reading “Stop Touching Yourself!”

When To Talk To Your Kid About Porn

One of the most common questions I get is, “At what age should I talk to my son about porn?” The fact that you’re even willing to talk about it at all is itself a step in the right direction.  This is an essential conversation that must take place.  The question is WHEN? I believeContinue reading “When To Talk To Your Kid About Porn”

How To Confess Your Porn Addiction

So, you have come to the realization that porn and sex addiction is a problem in your life.  Maybe you’ve even started working with a coach to help guide you through the process of breaking free.   What’s next? One of the hardest parts of recovery, but arguably the most necessary is confession. Healing requires confession. Continue reading “How To Confess Your Porn Addiction”

How To Break The Relapse Cycle

Tell me if this sounds familiar… You realize that porn is a problem in your life and you decide to quit.  You are motivated and determined to stop this.  This is finally the time that you’re going to quit for good.   It starts ok.  You get a few days in.  Things are going great.  YouContinue reading “How To Break The Relapse Cycle”

Introducing the Into The Wilderness Podcast

After months of preparation and hard work, I’m excited to announce the launch of the Into The Wilderness Podcast with Timothy Reigle! I am taking my ministry of battling men’s porn addiction and expanding it into other topics that modern Christian men need to talk about but where there are few spaces to do so.  Continue reading “Introducing the Into The Wilderness Podcast”

How I Quit Porn: My Story of Recovery, Redemption, and Renewal

It was a long road that lead me to becoming the man I am today.   I’ve been through darkness, despair, and depression.   I’ve faced trials, tests, and troubles. Yet, I came out on top of it all.   This is the story of how I got unbelievably deep in to a devastating PornContinue reading “How I Quit Porn: My Story of Recovery, Redemption, and Renewal”

When It’s Time To Pull The Plug

It’s time to pull the plug. Our lives are too constrained by calendars, too controlled by devices, and too hampered by the indoors.   I recently took two full weeks off of work and headed to the mountains.  There was no cell service, no internet, and no television.  It was just me and my family.   WeContinue reading “When It’s Time To Pull The Plug”

Am I Unforgivable?

When you struggle with an addiction to porn and sex, you are often your own worst enemy. You feel shameful for your actions.  You’re filled with regret.  Then your negative feelings eventually drive you back to the porn that caused them in the first place.   Around and around you go. It may feel like you’reContinue reading “Am I Unforgivable?”